I highly recommend both Walsworth, Ms. Levine and the online program. I LOVE Walsworth and the OnLine InDesign program! It allows my kids to work at home and get stuff done when we run so short on time during class! I’ve never had any problems with the program and it’s REALLY easy to use. They provided me with 3 really great support books that show the steps to do specific things and it’s easy. It resembles InDesign but as an Adviser, it gives you ultimate control of who works on what spread etc. I like that option because I have several students who shouldn’t have access to specific areas and I was able to keep them “out” of it. None of my students had worked in InDesign before so they picked it up quickly too!

OnLine Design also allowed me to view who’s signing in and working and for how long. Thus, able to grade more accurately with those who actually worked and just didn’t say they did. You as an Advisor have control over things which is what I liked. I was a new Advisor this year and didn’t really know anything about things, but it worked well for us.

We got all our credits for our pages. It’s easier with Online Design than InDesign becasue every page becomes a PDF so you get the credit instantly. It makes less work for Walsworth so you get the money back. We averaged about $250 a flat, but as a larger book like yours, you’d probably get more back.

As for Walsworth and Ms. Levine, she’s great! I can’t say enough nice things about her! She walked me through MANY issues and was always available via email, phone and texting! My customer service person is so helpful and computer support always got back to me in a timely manner. They also offered a Summer Workshop in August for 2 days which allowed two of my students and myself the opportunity to learn specific things and they supplied us with a whole flash drive full of presenations, worksheets and lesson plans to help get kids on the same page. I’m still using them!

Lori DiRocco
TV Production, Yearbook and Newspaper Advisor
Northeast HS, Ft. Lauderdale

Lori DiRoccoTV Production, Yearbook and Newspaper AdvisorNortheast HSFt. Lauderdale